
Warbringer is Back, y'all!!

1:46 pm

Since Warbringer's 2013 album IV: Empires Collapse, a lot has changed. The band regained guitarist Adam Carroll, who has either played guitar or drums on all Warbringer's albums except for IV, and lost and regained drummer Carlos Cruz, who drummed on IV. Then in 2016, Warbringer recruited bassist Jessie Sanchez (Bonded By Blood, ex-Holy Grail) and guitarist Chase Becker (ex-Desecrate) to round out the lineup, all fronted by mainstay vocalist John Kevill.
Lo and behold, we've got a new Warbringer song today, and it's everything you've been missing for the past four years. "Shellfire" evoked some seriously old school thrash, namely Slayer, with its opening screams and unrelenting pace, and it's perfect. It seemed difficult to top IV, but maybe not?
Woe To The Vanquished is out March 31 via Napalm Records, and you can pre-order it here.
Track baru ini sangat ngebut, cocok diputar sambil naik motor dan membayangkan kalo sedang naik tank di medan pertempuran melawan NAZI. Mereka juga pernah ke Indonesia, beruntunglah yg sudah menonton langsung, di Hammersonic 2015 kemarin. Akhirnya!

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